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01 - Coding


This type has some further sub-types.

Substitution based questions:

In this type of questions something is substituted in place of each letter. We have to find the corresponding substitution and substitute these value for the next word given.

For example: If "earth" is coded as 23456 then how the word "heart" will be coded as?

Solution: Note the word Earth and Heart are made from the same set of alphabets. In this case each alphabet corresponds to a specific number. In this case 2 for e, 3 for a and so on. So you'll use this knowledge to construct the new number from the given word ie. heart. In place of the number (23456) you can also be given another word. Then each alphabet will correspond to some other alphabet.

Alphabets Shuffling

Each alphabet is moved forward or backward to give the new word: This method might seem lengthy apparently but once you get used to it, you will solve the questions within few seconds. Consider a question.

For example: If BAT stands for CDQ then PEN stands for?


  • Step 1: Write down all the alphabets along with numbers from 1 to 26.
  • Step 2: Convert the alphabets you have to numbers. i.e.
    B A T will be 2 1 20
    C D Q will be 3 4 17

  • Step 3: Find the difference between the two figures
    3 – 2 = 1
    4 – 1 = 3
    17 – 20 = -3

  • Step 4: Convert second word (PEN) into digits that will be 16 5 14

  • Step 5: Add the difference you got above.
    16 + 1 = 17
    5 + 3 = 8
    14 + (-3) = 11

  • Step 6: Convert it back to alphabets. (Q H K)
