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Circular SVG Renderer


Circular SVG renderer outputs a svg when called with a circular board.

import {render} from 'mazes101/renderers/circularSvg';

let output = render(board, options);

By default the output will be string which contains an svg. the out can be a DOM SVGElement or a react component based on the h parameter you pass to options.


cellSize: number

The size of a single cell. It is basically height of the cell, the width of the cell will vary based on the number of cells in a single ring and distance from center.

Default: 30

lineWidth: number

The width of wall line, it is shared between both cells

Default: 2

Default: mazes101.h.StrH

paths: Record<number | string, number[]>

An object that contains different paths to be rendered against their ids. A path is just an array of cell indexes.

Default: {}

colors: Record<number | string, string>

An object that defined the colors to be used to fill paths against their ids.

Default: {}

h: (tag: string, attributes: Record<string, string>, ...children: Array<any>) => T
A JSX factory function that will be used to construct the JSX. Read more here.


    cellSize: 20,
    lineWidth: 5,
    paths: {0: [10, 11, 21, 20]},
    colors: {0: '#ccc'},
    h: React.CreateElement,