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Begins by assigning each cell to a different set. Randomly links two adjacent cells, but only if they belong to different sets. Merges the sets of the two cells. Repeats until only a single set remains.

Typical features

Largely unbiased. Produces very regular, uniform mazes. Excels at producing mazes that are the union of disjoint subsets, where the grid is prepopulated with some cells already connected in different areas.


import {generate} from 'mazes101/generators/kruskal';

board = generate(board, {getNextRowNeighbours, removeInterWall});

Required Functions

getNeighbours(index: number, board: Board): number[]
Get indexes of cells neighbour to the given index. This shouldn't include disabled cells.
removeInterWall(index1: number, index2: number, board: Board): Board
Remove wall between given two cells index1 and index2. The function should return a board with walls between both cells removed.