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Computer Science CSC

Code Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite(s)
CSC101 Introduction to ICT 4(2, 1) -
CSC102 Discrete Structures 3(3, 0) -
CSC103 Programming Fundamentals 4(3, 1) -
CSC110 Professional Practices for IT 3(3, 0) -
CSC112 Algorithms and Data Structures 4(3, 1) CSC141
CSC141 Introduction to Computer Programming 4(3, 1)
CSC201 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3(3, 0)
CSC211 Data Structures & Algorithms 4(3, 1) CSC103
CSC221 Computer Organization and Assembly Language 4(3, 1)
CSC241 Object Oriented Programming 4(3, 1) CSC103
CSC242 Introduction to Telecommunication Systems 3(2, 1)
CSC291 Software Engineering Concepts 3(3, 0) -
CSC301 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 3(3, 0) CSC211
CSC303 Mobile Application Development 3(2, 1) CSC241
CSC312 Theory of Automata 3(3, 0) CSC102
CSC315 Web Technologies 4(3, 1)
CSC321 Micropressor & Assembly Langage 3(2, 1) EEE241
CSC321 Network Operating Systems 3(1, 2)
CSC322 Operating Systems 3(2, 1) CSC211
CSC330 E-Commerce 4(3, 1)
CSC331 Digital Image Processing 3(3, 0) MTH231, MTH262
CSC332 Parallel & Distributed Computing 3(2, 1) CSC103
CSC332 Network Security 3(3, 0)
CSC333 Applied Networking 3(1, 2) CSC339
CSC334 Distributed Computing 4(3, 1) CSC141
CSC345 Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing 3(3, 0)
CSC336 Web Technologies 3(2, 1) CSC241
CSC357 Grid Services and Distributed Networking 3(3, 0)
CSC339 Data Communications & Computer Networks 3(2, 1) -
CSC341 Network Programming 4(3, 1) CSC141
CSC347 Computional Intelligence 3(3, 0) CSC241
CSC350 Topics in Compter Science I 3(3, 0)
CSC353 Computer GRaphics 3(2, 1) MTH231
CSC354 Machine Learing 3(3, 0) -
CSC356 Human Computer Interaction 3(2, 1) -
CSC356 Mobile Communication 3(3, 0)
CSC358 Wireless Sensor Networks 3(3, 0)
CSC371 Datbase Systems 4(3, 1) CSC241
CSC392 Software Design MEthodologies 3(3, 0) CSC291
CSC402 Database Systems II 3(3, 0) CSC371
CSC412 Visual Programming 3(2, 1) CSC241
CSC414 Application Development for Mobile Devices 4(3, 1)
CSC421 Systems Programming 4(3, 1) CSC141
CSC426 Voice over IP and IMS 3(3, 0)
CSC430 Wireless Networks 3(2, 1) -
CSC432 Information Security 3(3, 0) CSC339
CSC431 ATM Systems in Telecommunications 3(3, 0) CSC242
CSC432 Telecommunication Network Design 3(3, 0) CSC339
CSC433 Converging Voice and Data Networks 3(3, 0) CSC339
CSC434 Information Theory and Coding 3(3, 0)
CSC435 Satellite Communication 3(3, 0) CSC339
CSC436 Routing and Switching Principles 4(3, 1) CSC339
CSC437 Fiber Optic Telecommunication 3(3, 0) CSC242
CSC438 Telecommunication Network Management 3(3, 0) CSC432
CSC439 Digital Switching 3(3, 0)
CSC441 Compiler Construction 3(2, 1) CSC312
CSC444 Visual Programming 3(3, 0)
CSC461 Introduction to Data Science 3(3, 0) MTH231, MTH262
CSC461 Neural Networks 3(3, 0)
CSC462 Artificial Intelligence 3(2, 1) CSC102
CSC471 Distributed Database Syatems 3(3, 0) CSC371
CSC472 Geographical Information Systems 3(3, 0)
CSC475 Numerial Computing 3(3, 0) MTH104
CSC482 Systems & Networks Administration 3(2, 1) CSC322, CSC339
CSC483 Topics in Compter Science II 3(3, 0)
CSC491 Quality Control in Telecommunication 3(3, 0) CSC242
CSC492 Software Engineering 3(3, 0)
CSC493 Telecommunication Project Management 3(3, 0) CSC242
CSC494 Software Project Management 3(3, 0) CSC291
CSC495 Game Development 3(3, 0) CSC241
CSC498 Senior Design Project I 2(0, 2) CSC371, CSC291, HUM102, CSC241
CSC499 Senior Design Project I 4(0, 4) CSC498
CSC496 Data Warehousing and Data Mining 3(2, 1) CSC371
CSC421 Robotics 3(3, 0) -
CSC451 Introduction to Modeling & Simulation 3(2, 1) CSC102, CSC211
CSC454 Pattern Recognition 3(3, 0) CSC354
CSC455 Computer Vision 3(3, 0) MTH231, MTH262

Humanities HUM

Code Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite(s)
HUM100 English Comprehension and Composition 3(3, 0)
HUM102 Report Writing Skills 3(3, 0) HUM100
HUM103 Communication Skills 3(3, 0) HUM100
HUM104 Functional English 3(3, 0)
HUM105 Writing and Presentation Skills 3(3, 0)
HUM106 Basic Linguistics 3(3, 0)
HUM110 Islamic Studies 3(3, 0)
HUM111 Pakistan Studies 3(3, 0)
HUM114 Ethics 3(3, 0)
HUM115 Functional Urdu 3(3, 0)
HUM200 Business Communication Workshop 3(3, 0) HUM100
HUM202 Creative Thinking and Decision Making 3(3, 0)
HUM220 Introduction to Psychology 3(3, 0)
HUM221 International Relations 3(3, 0)
HUM223 Introduction to Philosophy 3(3, 0)
HUM310 Islamic History 3(3, 0)
HUM320 Introduction to Sociology 3(3, 0)
HUM400 Business Communication 3(3, 0)
HUM430 French 3(3, 0)
HUM431 German 3(3, 0)
HUM432 Arabic 3(3, 0)
HUM433 Persian 3(3, 0)
HUM434 Chinese 3(3, 0)
HUM435 Japanese 3(3, 0)

Electrical Engineering EEE

Code Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite(s)
EEE119 Circuits and Electronics 4(3, 1)
EEE223 Signals and Systems 3(3, 0)
EEE231 Electronics I 4(3, 1) PHY221
EEE232 Electronics II 4(3, 1) EEE231
EEE241 Digital Logic DEsign 4(3, 1) -
EEE261 Electromagnetic Theory 3(3, 0) EEE223
EEE324 Digital Signal Processing 4(3, 1) EEE223
EEE325 Control Systems 4(3, 1) EEE223
EEE342 Microprocessor Systems and Interfacing 4(3, 1) EEE241
EEE351 Principles of Communication Systems 4(3, 1) EEE223
EEE353 Digital Communication Systems 4(3, 1) EEE351
EEE371 Electric Machines 4(3, 1) PHY324
EEE440 Computer Architecture 3(3, 0) EEE24
EEE446 Real Time Embedded Systems 4(3, 1) EEE342
EEE455 Optical Fiber Communications 3(3, 0) PHY369
EEE463 Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation 4(3, 1) PHY326
EEE464 Wireless Communication Systems 3(3, 0) EEE463
EEE465 Microwave and Satellite Communication Systems 3(3, 0) EEE463 ,PHY353


Code Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite(s)
PHY100 Mechanics & Thermodynamics 4(3, 1) -
PHY103 Heat and Thermodynamics 3(3, 0)
PHY104 Mechanics 3(3, 0)
PHY105 Experiments in Mechanics 1(0, 1)
PHY106 Experiments in Thermodynamics, Electricity and Magnetism 1(0, 1)
PHY120 Electricity, Magnetism & Optics 4(3, 1) -
PHY121 Applied Physics for Engineers 4(3, 1) -
PHY122 Electricity and Magnetism 3(3, 0)
PHY210 Experiments in Modern Physics 1(0, 1)
PHY220 Electric and Magnetic Fields 3(3, 0) PHY104
PHY221 Circuit Theory 4(3, 1) PHY120
PHY224 Circuit Analysis Theory 3(3, 0) MTH101
PHY226 Electromagnetic Theory I 3(3, 0) PHY220
PHY227 Introduction to Modern Physics 3(3, 0) PHY230
PHY229 Modren Physics 4(3, 1) PHY120
PHY230 Waves and Oscillations 3(3, 0) MTH102 ,PHY104
PHY231 Applied Quantum Mechanics 3(3, 0) PHY229
PHY234 Electronics 3(3, 0) PHY221
PHY241 Classical Mechanics 3(3, 0) MTH241 ,PHY104
PHY264 Mathematical Methods in Physics 3(3, 0) MTH241
PHY271 Boundary Value Problems 3(3, 0) MTH241
PHY310 Experiments in Optics 1(0, 1)
PHY324 Electromagnetic Theory 3(3, 0) PHY120
PHY326 Electromagnetic Theory II 3(3, 0) PHY226
PHY341 Relativity 3(3, 0) PHY220
PHY342 Quantum Mechanics I 3(3, 0) PHY227 ,PHY241
PHY343 Quantum Mechanics II 3(3, 0) PHY342
PHY347 Signal Processing Applications 3(3, 0) EEE324
PHY348 Control System Design 3(3, 0) EEE325
PHY350 Solid State Physics 3(3, 0) PHY231
PHY353 Optics and Laser 4(3, 1) PHY324
PHY364 Boundary Value Problems in Physics 3(3, 0) PHY264
PHY365 Computational Methods in Physics 4(3, 1) PHY264
PHY366 Solid State Physics I 3(3, 0) PHY342
PHY367 Statistical Physics I 3(3, 0) PHY103
PHY368 Atomic and Molecular Physics 3(3, 0) PHY342
PHY369 Optics 3(3, 0) PHY230
PHY425 Microelectronics 3(3, 0) PHY350
PHY433 Nuclear Physics 3(3, 0) PHY342
PHY434 VLSI Design 4(3, 1) EEE232 ,EEE241
PHY444 Plasma Physics 3(3, 0) PHY326
PHY451 Semiconductor Devices 3(3, 0) PHY350
PHY452 CMOS Technology 3(3, 0) PHY425
PHY453 Semiconductor Device Design and Simulations 4(3, 1) PHY425 ,PHY451
PHY454 Optoelectronics 3(3, 0) PHY353
PHY455 Introduction to Biophysics 3(3, 0) PHY103 ,PHY104
PHY456 Computational Materials Science 3(3, 0) PHY365 ,PHY366 ,PHY367
PHY457 Lasers and Their Applications 3(3, 0) PHY369
PHY461 Industrial Automation 3(3, 0) EEE325
PHY462 Introduction to Nanoscience and Technology 3(3, 0) PHY366
PHY464 Principles of Photonics 3(3, 0) PHY353
PHY465 Introduction to Materials Science 3(3, 0) PHY366
PHY466 Solid State Physics II 3(3, 0) PHY366
PHY467 Statistical Physics II 3(3, 0) PHY367
PHY468 Introduction to Group Theory 3(3, 0)
PHY469 Introduction to Astrophysics and Cosmology 3(3, 0) PHY341
PHY471 High Energy Physics I 3(3, 0) PHY343
PHY476 High Energy Physics II 3(3, 0) PHY471
PHY477 Introduction to Quantum Optics 3(3, 0) PHY343
PHY478 Quantum Computing 3(3, 0) PHY231

Mathematics MTH

# Code Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite(s)
30 MTH108 Business Mathematics I 3(3, 0)
31 MTH109 Business Mathematics II 3(3, 0) MTH108
32 MTH161 Introduction to Statistics 3(3, 0)
33 MTH264 Statistical Inference 3(3, 0) MTH161